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Chewbacca? Ewok? Chubie.

I have only one pet and she is with me since October 2015 because one of my aunts had their parents and she was giving away all the sons. My brother wanted a dog so badly so my mom takes one of them that we called Chubie.
Chubie when she had two months old.
I remember the first days with her she was always crying in the night, and I was the one who comes to saw her and pet her until she fell asleep. After a while, I realize that she cried because she was afraid of the dark, so I turned the lights every night and then she realized there was nothing to fear in her new house.
The thing what I like about her is that is really quiet, she has a personality very similar to me. And when I get home she always comes to me very happy.
Chubie is special to me because she helped me in a tough moment that happened to me. I was a mess when she came to my house, but after share moments with her, we became so close together so I felt I had a reason to stop feeling so bad. I looked for help and then I made the decision that I wanted to save animals in the same way she saved me.


  1. My pets same are special, because they saved me anyway


  2. Wow, Chubie seems to be a very important part of you, also looks very tender and happy. (Chubie to the rescue!!)

  3. It is a very beautiful story. Chubie is a super heroine!!!


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